
schmidinger möbelbau GmbH
Stangenach 146
6867 Schwarzenberg
phone +43 5512 2782-0
fax +43 5512 2782-2
mobile +43 664 2138060
UID-No.: ATU 4026 8606
Company Register Number: FN 142178k
Company Court: Landesgericht Feldkirch
Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Law) District Authority Bregenz (Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bregenz)
Member of the WKO (Wirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg)
Division Trade and Crafts
Trade regulations:


Content: schmidinger möbelbau GmbH
Management: Wolfgang Schmidinger
Communication: Michaela Schmidinger
Graphic design: Sägenvier
Programming: Elmar Schmidinger 
Programming and technical care: Freelenz


All texts, pictures, graphics, animations, videos, sounds and other contents of this website as well as their arrangement are protected by copyright and other laws. No duplication, modification or use of the aforementioned contents in other electronic or printed publications may be made without the prior express consent of schmidinger möbelbau.

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Our website is compiled and maintained with the greatest possible care. However, schmidinger möbelbau cannot guarantee the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the information and therefore excludes any liability for losses or damage of any kind arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website as well as liability for contents of other operators to which visitors of this website can access via links or connections inserted here. The providers of such third-party content are solely responsible for their content.